
Body contouring procedures are designed to address a range of aesthetic concerns, including excess skin, stubborn fat deposits, and even loose musculature. During your initial consultation, board-certified plastic surgeon Kristy Hamilton, MD will carefully review your goals and aesthetic interests. From there, she will craft a personalized treatment plan that is designed to enhance your physique and boost your confidence.

To learn more about the array of body sculpting procedures Dr. Hamilton offers, please explore the informative sections below. If you are ready to schedule an appointment with Dr. Hamilton, please contact us today!


Abdominoplasty surgery—also called tummy tuck surgery—enhances the appearance of the abdominal region by removing excess skin and fat while tightening the underlying musculature. This procedure creates a slimmer, toned “tummy” region. Surgery is performed under general anesthesia, and it usually takes 2.5 hours to complete. Patients should typically expect to take at least the first week after surgery off in order to optimize their recovery and results. As the swelling begins to subside, most patients are ecstatic to see their slimmer, flatter, and more toned abdominal contours emerge.

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Absolutely love my results, would 1000/10 recommend! Dr. Hamilton is very detail-oriented, thorough and super sweet! Seriously couldn’t have asked for a better first experience! —NH


liposuction areasLiposuction is a versatile procedure designed to remove pockets of unwanted fat from various regions of the body, including the hips, abdomen, thighs, arms, buttocks, and neck. It is typically performed as an outpatient treatment under light sedation or general anesthesia. During the procedure, Dr. Hamilton will use a thin metal tube—called a cannula—to break up and suction away fat cells in targeted regions after initially melting it with an energy device. She can also sculpt the remaining fat for a smoother, flatter contour. The procedure generally lasts for a few hours, depending on how much fat is being removed and how many areas are being treated. Most patients are able to return to work within a few days, and they often enjoy their fat-reduction results for many years—or even a lifetime!

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Mommy Makeover

active mom and daughterA mommy makeover is a fully customizable treatment designed to address many of the resulting cosmetic concerns that may occur after pregnancy or breastfeeding. During a consultation with Dr. Hamilton, a customized surgical plan will be developed that is specifically tailored to your unique needs and goals. In many cases, a mommy makeover includes an abdominoplasty and a breast surgery—a lift, augmentation, or reduction to restore the breasts to their pre-pregnancy form and enhance them. The breasts and abdomen are the regions that are typically most affected by pregnancy. Based on your aesthetic goals, other body contouring procedures—such as liposuction and arm, thigh, and buttock lifts—can also be incorporated into your treatment plan.

Body Lifting Procedures

Arm Lift

An arm lift—also known as brachioplasty—addresses sagging skin and excess fat to improve the contours of the upper arms for a more toned aesthetic. During the procedure, you will likely be placed under general anesthesia. Dr. Hamilton will carefully remove excess skin and fat before tightening the remaining tissues. Liposuction may also be incorporated as needed. Strenuous arm movements should be avoided for the first few weeks after surgery. Most patients report a significant improvement in confidence and self-image following brachioplasty.

Thigh Lift

A thigh lift is designed to reduce excess skin and fat in the thigh region for a slimmer, smoother upper leg aesthetic. Depending on your unique needs, Dr. Hamilton can treat the inner and/or outer thigh area. Patients should plan to take at least the first week after surgery off in order to promote healing and optimize their results. Once the initial swelling subsides, patients can begin to enjoy their leaner, more proportionate thigh contours.

Buttock Lift

liposuction areasA buttock lift can help improve the gluteal contours for a firmer, more toned aesthetic. Depending on the needs and aesthetic goals of the patient, a butt lift can either be performed on its own or it can be combined with a thigh lift and/or tummy tuck for more dramatic lower body contouring. During the procedure, Dr. Hamilton will remove excess skin and fat from the region. She will then lift the remaining skin and contour the remaining fat for a firmer, more youthful buttock appearance. Dr. Hamilton also offers non-surgical buttock augmentation.

Surgery After Weight Loss

Major weight loss can be life-changing, but some patients find themselves with excess skin that obscures their new figure and, in some cases, causes chafing and discomfort. Dr. Hamilton can assess your needs during a consultation and create a treatment plan designed to remove extra skin and stubborn fat deposits, optimizing the aesthetic and functional outcomes of your weight loss. Common post-weight loss procedures include: liposuction, abdominoplasty, arm and thigh lifts, neck and face lifts, as well as breast lifts, reductions, or augmentations. The end results can help elevate your confidence and showcase the slimmer figure you have obtained.