
Dr. Kristy Hamilton is an artist, innovator, and elite board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon in Houston, Texas. Since ancient times, humanity has appreciated the beauty, proportion, and harmony in art, architecture – and the human form. Dr. Hamilton masterfully practices the art of face-and-body contouring using gold-standard, state-of-the-art liposuction technology and techniques virtually anywhere on the human body — to shape and mold the face, neck, and body to create exquisitely sculpted forms and contours with beautiful definition and a refined aesthetic.

Liposuction is a powerful, transformative contouring procedure designed to strategically extract stubborn, excess fat deposits that are unresponsive to diet and exercise (including the submental area under the chin, hips, abdomen, thighs, buttocks, and arms). Dr. Hamilton’s passion is supporting her patients in their journey to look and feel confident and beautiful in their own skin, while she creates proportion, symmetry and harmony – essential elements of beauty – with her skilled hands. Dr. Hamilton tones and sculpts the face, neck, and body, creating an ideal, trim, customized shape, balanced profile, and harmonious proportions for ultimate beauty.

Dr. Hamilton is a creative innovator in the field of plastic surgery, specializing in developing her signature surgical and non-surgical techniques and seeking out and utilizing the world’s most advanced, leading- edge technology to artistically deliver gold-standard, aesthetic results to every patient. Dr. Hamilton performs liposuction using Local Anesthesia, Intravenous (IV) Sedation, or General Anesthesia, depending upon the procedure and the patient’s wishes. After marking the patient and injecting an anesthetic, anti-bruising solution into the target area, Dr. Hamilton makes tiny, inconspicuous incisions through which surgery can be performed. The tiny incisions act as access sites to first allow the fat to be melted and emulsified with an energy device to ensure a smoother, more even removal of fat cells.

Subsequently, a thin metal tube called a cannula is inserted, connected to a suction device, breaking up and suctioning away fat cells in targeted regions. Dr. Hamilton artistically sculpts the remaining fat to ensure an elegant, trim, shapely contour and silhouette, spurring patients to feel instantly empowered to step out into the world and live life confidently.

Dr. Hamilton meticulously performs liposuction in combination with other advanced Face- and Body- contouring Surgery — such as a facelift, a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) or breast surgery (including breast augmentation, breast lift (mastopexy), breast augmentation with lift (augmentation mastopexy), breast reduction, breast explant surgery, and breast implant exchange surgery). Furthermore, she also can skillfully transfer the suctioned-out, excess fat to other areas, including the face, breasts, hands, hips, earlobes, or buttocks — with a finesse procedure called Fat Grafting (also called Fat Transfer) — to further smooth, sculpt, and enhance your face and body, where additional volume is desired, for a gorgeous transformation.

Dr. Hamilton believes artistry is essential to delivering a truly exceptional result — a shapely, toned, proportional physique leading patients to feel and look like an enhanced version of themselves. She merges her aesthetic eye, advanced surgical skill, deep anatomical knowledge, and expertise in state-of- the-art, face-and-body contouring techniques and technology to achieve her patients’ vision: a rejuvenated face, neck, and body with artistically sculpted, balanced curves and lines and a stunning silhouette for increased quality of life. With her signature advanced-recovery protocols, patients heal safely and relatively quickly with spectacular results.


Liposuction is a surgical procedure used in plastic surgery to eliminate specific areas of excess facial and body fat from an individual, which are non-responsive to diet and exercise. Liposuction also appeals to women wishing to regain their sleek, youthful, pre-pregnancy figure after child-bearing. Plastic Surgery involves sculpting and optimally re-shaping the face, neck, and body, creating a smooth, defined, contoured physique, with beautiful harmony, symmetry, and balance. Often, liposuction can be the only definitive way to remove persistent pockets of fat — located in areas such as the chin and neck (the submental area), upper arms, female breasts/pre-axillary area (beside the armpit), upper and lower abdomen, upper and lower back, male chest/breasts, waist including flanks, hips, inner and outer thighs, buttocks, mon pubis, and legs, including the knees, calves, and ankles. The beautiful, transformative effects of aesthetic face-and-body contouring often powerfully impact the confidence and well-being of treated individuals.

Liposuction requires great skill, aesthetic judgment, a deep reserve of anatomical knowledge, technical expertise, and advanced technology to extract the ideal amount of fat, while also creating balanced, youthful contours. The key to Dr. Hamilton’s exquisite outcomes is that her aesthetic eye and advanced mathematical training – combined with her innate, intuitive understanding of the factors determining human beauty – enables her to accurately assess how much excess fat should be removed: Moreover, her ability to calculate the quantity of fat that should be left behind for her to sculpt is more important than the amount of fat that is extracted.

By using advanced energy devices to break apart fat deposits, Dr.Hamilton can perform liposuction with great control and precision to meticulously remove the correct amount of fat cells and extract them more efficiently. This finesse enables Dr. Hamilton to artistically shape the remaining fat to maximize her patients’ optimal contour in relation to the shape and proportion of their frame, creating ultra-smooth, sculpted shapes and curves. In addition, Dr. Hamilton

employs feathering techniques where she reduces fat extraction proportionately at the periphery of the treated area, artfully feathering the edges delicately to avoid dips and indented areas created by removing too much fat – instead, a very smooth, blended, youthful-looking final result is created for the patient.

Liposuction is designed for individuals with good skin elasticity and tone. Post-treatment, the skin molds itself to its newly-contoured shape, looking smooth, flat, and trim. Post-removal of the targeted excess fat, the skin molds itself to the patient’s new contoured shape, with good skin. (For individuals with skin laxity, liposuction can make the skin appear loose and droopy after volume is removed. In this case, excisional surgery targeted to remove excess skin as well as fat — such as a neck lift or a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) — may be required to optimize the outcomes regarding the contour, shape, profile, silhouette, and smoothness of the skin.) The resulting change in shape is permanent as long as the individual’s weight remains the same. Human appreciation of beautiful aesthetics is innate and powerful – including the universal desire to acquire internal and external harmony with the mind and body.

“Dr. Kristy Hamilton is incredibly knowledgeable, trained and talented. Her finessed artistic eye captured the feminine hourglass curves my body could be sculpted into…The surgery went absolutely smoothly, as well as my recovery…I am excited to enjoy my results as I fall in love with how tasteful and elegant my silhouette looks now.” – E.L.


Each individual’s face and body are unique. When excess fat appears in stubborn areas that naturally accumulate (including the arms, abdomen, thighs, knees, back, male chest, hips, neckline, and under the chin) and are resistant to a diet and exercise regimen, liposuction effectively eliminates it. Liposuction is an aesthetic complement to a healthy lifestyle, giving individuals the power to permanently erase fat to achieve – with a relatively fast recovery period – a sculpted face, neck, and body that is balanced, proportional, and beautiful.

Dr. Hamilton’s patients immediately enjoy a new look that is truly transformational, featuring sculpted curves and smooth contours to the face, neck, and body — with beautiful tone and definition as well as balanced, optimized proportions that continue to improve over the months following the procedure, including:

The beautiful symmetry, proportion, and harmony produced by liposuction have been found to significantly improve patients’ quality of life, including self-confidence, comfort, clothing fit, positive attitude, and mobility.

Dr. Hamilton’s signature liposuction techniques enable her to reshape and redefine the most persistent fat deposits on the face and body – and commonly the muscles are obscured behind a layer of stubborn fat, even when the individual consistently does exercise. Liposuction powerfully sculpts and re-shapes this fat to reveal the strong muscle tone of the biceps, abdominal muscles (the ‘abs’) and other areas of definition.

Liposuction is very versatile and customizable, enabling Dr. Hamilton to treat many areas of the face and body during the same procedure to create overall contouring. Patients may choose to combine liposuction with other plastic surgical procedures to enhance and extend aesthetic results, including:

A major benefit of liposuction is the ability to use the harvested fat to add desirable volume to other regions of the face and/or body for aesthetic shaping, smoothing, and refreshing. This process—known as Fat Grafting or Fat Transfer—involves purifying the fat removed during the liposuction procedure and then re-injecting it back into the body in areas such as the face, breasts, hips, thighs, hands, and buttocks — the latter being the popular buttock-augmentation procedure called the Brazilian Butt Lift (referred to as a ‘BBL’), which helps patients obtain full, shapely buttocks. With regard to the breasts, fat can be transferred into the breasts to naturally optimize breast size, fullness, shape, and contour as an alternative to implants or as an addition to breast augmentation with implants to increase the size and enhance the shape and silhouette of the breasts.

Hands look instantly youthful, plump, smooth, and rejuvenated when the patient’s own autologous fat is injected into each dorsum (the back of the hands) for a transformational, youthful Hand Rejuvenation. Fat Transfer is also commonly used to enhance the face (the cheekbones, tear-troughs, nose, nasolabial folds known as smile lines, marionette lines that extend from the corners of the mouth to the chin, temples, jawline, and even the earlobes) – creating a stunning, youthful-looking face. Facial Fat Grafting smooths fine lines and wrinkles, nasolabial folds and marionette lines. It powerfully rejuvenates and volumizes the face by creating instantaneous, long-lasting Facial Optimization – including cheek augmentation, jawline contouring, tear-trough augmentation, a smooth lid-cheek junction, temple augmentation, non-surgical rhinoplasty, and plump, youthful-looking ear lobes. For patients seeking global volumization, facial fat grafting is powerful, longer-lasting and eliminates the use of shorter-lasting dermal fillers to rejuvenate the face. Fat Grafting is an exceptional treatment, using your own natural body fat to provide shape, volume, and contour on a long-term basis for outstanding, youthful rejuvenation.


As long as excess fat exists, most areas of the body are amenable to liposuction. The art is in deciding which type of liposuction should ideally be performed on each part of the face or body to enhance beauty and create balance, harmony, and a beautiful, natural-looking contour.

To bring your vision to life and obtain a beautifully contoured, refined face and body that enhance your aesthetic senses, Dr. Hamilton artfully performs custom-designed liposuction on the following parts of the human figure to achieve transformational, long-lasting results:

Neck, Jawline, and Chin (‘Double Chin’) Liposuction

Dr. Hamilton artistically extracts excess, persistent, submental fat that has accumulated around the neck, jawline, and under the chin with Submental ‘Chin’ Liposuction – a transformational procedure that is the Gold Standard Technique for permanently removing stubborn fat in the lower face, especially stubborn double chins. Performed ‘awake’, Dr. Hamilton instantly creates a beautiful, slim, defined, sculpted, smooth neck and jawline for women – and an attractive, masculine, contoured, and more angular jawline for men. One of the most-requested facial aesthetic procedures to emerge in recent years, the newly sculpted jawline creates a youthful-looking appearance – that highlights a fine, defined angle between the chin and the neck – for beautiful facial balance and harmony.

Upper Arm Liposuction

Upper Arm Liposuction removes excess pockets of stubborn fat located on the upper arms to smooth, tighten, and restore the youthful look of slim, contoured, sculpted arms. Dr. Hamilton highlights the natural outline of the muscles (the biceps) and creates a more acute angle between the upper arm and the side of the body for a beautiful appearance.

Female Breasts / Pre-axillary Area beside the Armpit (‘Bra Bulge’)

Dr. Hamilton performs Female Breast and Pre-axillary Liposuction for very precise contouring of small volumes of fatty tissue. Female Breast Liposuction targets the patient’s excess fat in the breasts (rather than the breast’s glandular or muscular tissue) to create smaller, symmetrical, youthful-looking breasts. In addition, Dr. Hamilton can skillfully remove excess pre-axillary rolls (also called ‘Bra Bulge’)— a collection of fat separate from the rest of the breast and commonly seen in women as a small bulge of fat next to the armpit — to create a smooth, concave contour and a slimmer, toned, attractive feminine silhouette.

Pre-axillary Liposuction improves the symmetry, look and proportional balance of the upper body and enables improved clothing fit and look, boosting confidence.

Upper and Lower Abdomen Liposuction

Upper and Lower Abdominal Liposuction removes extra fat cells stored in these parts of the body to create a slimmer, sleeker, smoother profile and more toned midsection and abdominal shape featuring balance, symmetry, and harmony — one that ensures a smooth transition from top to bottom.

For women, the goal is to obtain a smooth, toned, shapely, hour-glass appearance, whilst in men, a more defined outline of the abdominal muscles and ‘six-pack’ is desired.

Upper and Lower Abdominal Liposuction is typically combined with liposuction of the lateral abdomen and anterior flanks to significantly smooth and re-contour the entire abdomen.

Back Liposuction (‘Back Roll’; ‘Bra Roll’; ‘Buffalo Hump’)

Liposuctioning back fat, widely found on both men and women, is a highly effective way to remove resistant pockets of fat from all areas of the back (the lower, middle and upper area) to create a sculpted, defined, leaner, youthful-looking back. Back Liposuction effectively creates and highlights a slim, sleek contour and profile.

Liposuctioning the dense layer of fatty back tissue restores men with a sculpted back featuring strong, defined shoulders — and women with a trim, shapely, hourglass shape.

The back becomes free of bulging fat pockets that often protrude through clothing such as a ‘Back Roll’ around the lower back and flanks as well as a ‘Bra Roll’ that bulges out at the bra line — creating a smooth, slim contour and appearance.

Liposuctioning the upper back is an effective technique to treat a ‘Buffalo Hump’ (or dorsocervical fat pad) — which is a fat deposit located at the base of the neck between the shoulder blades with a curved, hump-like protrusion. Because of its placement, there are no specific exercises or fat-burning strategies that can effectively target this condition. With Buffalo Hump Liposuction, Dr. Hamilton extracts the targeted fat strategically – safely removing the projecting fat pad from the base of the neck – and then artfully contours the shape of the neck and back to give the patient a beautiful, slimmer upper back.

Male Chest / Male Breast Liposuction (‘Gynecomastia’)

When males develop feminine-looking, overly-developed, enlarged breast tissue (a condition called ‘Gynecomastia’), Dr. Hamilton performs Male Chest Liposuction, strategically removing the excess fat stored in the chest area to create a flatter, firmer chest with a masculine-looking contour and profile — found to boost male confidence and self-esteem significantly.

Waist Liposuction, including Flanks (‘Love Handles’ / ‘Muffin Top’)

Dr. Hamilton performs Waist and Flank Liposuction to slenderize and trim the waistline and flanks (the fleshy part of the side of the body between the ribs and the hip) effectively eliminating persistent ‘Love Handles’ or a ‘Muffin Top’ (the deposits of stubborn, excess fat around the midsection that obscure the smooth contours of the waist and flanks) — slimming the entire circumference of the waist.

Liposuctioning the flanks and love handles restores and enhances the hourglass figure women desire, while restoring and optimizing a masculine-looking midsection and athletic physique for men.

Hip and Inner/Outer Thigh Liposuction (‘Saddle Bags’; ‘Banana Roll’):

Inner and Outer Thigh Liposuction enhances the overall shape, symmetry, balance, and contour of the lower body. The procedure is highly effective in eliminating irregularities in form and outline and ‘Saddle Bags’ (stubborn, persistent fat that collects at the top of the thighs). Liposuction that targets excess fat pockets on the outer and inner thighs reduces the circumference of the thighs and creates a smooth contour, symmetry and balance. Contouring the inner thighs produces a flattering, attractive, youthful-looking gap between the thighs.

Hip Liposuction involving exquisite hip sculpting, beautifully improves the appearance of the buttocks. The posterior thigh, which is the area of the ‘Banana Roll’ (where excess fat accumulates between the lower buttock and the top of the thigh appearing as a crescent- shaped roll of fat), can be re-shaped to remove the banana roll and give the buttocks a firmer, more defined appearance.

Hip Liposuction normally also involves performing liposuction on the flanks to remove the fat rolls (namely, the ‘Love Handles’ and ‘Muffin Top’) in order to create smooth, shapely contoured hips, producing a smoother, more natural transition and a shapelier lower body.

Buttock Liposuction

Buttock Liposuction is an excellent technique for removing a conservative amount of excess fat from the buttocks to optimize the size and shape of the buttocks and make the individual’s figure look more proportionate by sculpting shapelier, smoother, and more rounded buttocks. The procedure enhances the natural outline of the gluteus maximus and smooths uneven contours and dimpling to create a more toned and sculpted look, while ensuring that the natural contours of the body are maintained.

Sculpting the buttocks often involves performing liposuction on the upper-outer buttocks, plus nearby parts of the body, including the hip-flank area, outer thighs, lower back, and waist, enhancing the overall appearance of the buttocks.

In cases where significant volume decrease is desired, the procedure may be combined with an excisional “buttock lift” to ensure a smooth, pert appearance.

Mons Pubis Liposuction

The mons pubis – the rounded mound of fatty tissue that lies over female pubic bones – can accumulate excess fat over time that causes it to bulge. For women with good skin elasticity and unflattering, excess fat in the mons pubis that is resistant to diet and exercise, Dr. Hamilton artfully performs Mon Pubis Liposuction to make the mon pubis look smoother, smaller in size, and more aesthetic.

Leg Liposuction (Knees, Calves, and Ankles)

Knee Liposuction

Knee Liposuction eliminates stubborn pockets of excess fat around the knees, creating a smooth, contoured look and aesthetically-pleasing shape to the knees – triggering a positive impact on the overall look of the legs.

Liposuction of the knees is often performed in connection with liposuction of the thighs to achieve a more contoured look.

Calf Liposuction

Calf Liposuction slims and shapes the lower legs, creates greater definition of the calves, and eliminates irregularities in contour and profile, revealing sculpted, toned, tapered lower legs and a proportionate, slimmer profile.

Ankles Liposuction (‘Cankles’)

Ankle Liposuction enables Dr. Hamilton to deftly remove small fat deposits around the ankles (the look of which is referred to as ‘Cankles’) to make the lower legs look more slim, toned, and contoured, giving them gorgeous shape and definition.


For comfort, the patient is placed under Local or General Anesthesia, or Intravenous (IV) sedation. Local anesthesia or IV sedation is typically employed for small treatment areas – for example, Submental ‘Chin’ Liposuction – revitalizing liposuction under the chin and along the neck that powerfully and quickly restores a sculpted, defined jawline and neck, bringing harmony to the lower face and neck.

Dr. Hamilton first makes tiny, inconspicuous poke holes near targeted fat deposits – strategically hidden in easily-concealed parts of the face or body such as deep inside the belly button or behind the ears – which become imperceptible over time. She meticulously inserts a thin, metal tube called a cannula through an entry point into the skin – through which she injects a fluid to anesthetize the area, decrease the chance of bruising, break up the fat cells, and accelerate post-operative recovery. With the cannula attached to a vacuum, Dr. Hamilton meticulously accesses, breaks up, and removes the targeted fat cells from under the skin permanently. As an artist, she expertly customizes every procedure and crafts every face and body to achieve a trim, exquisitely contoured appearance. Applying Dr. Hamilton’s innovative accelerated-recovery program to optimize the recovery period, her liposuction procedure artfully restores, refines, and enhances her patient’s contours for a youthful, eye-catching look.


“Envision your work as always evolving and emerging.” – Michelangelo

Dr. Hamilton is a creative innovator in the field of plastic surgery, specializing in developing her innovative, signature surgical and non-surgical techniques – while seeking and utilizing the world’s most advanced, leading-edge liposuction technology—to artistically deliver gold-standard, aesthetic results to every patient. She blends curiosity, imagination, and artistic vision with these specialized devices and techniques to produce riveting, aesthetic works of art on the human face and body, like that of a gifted painter or sculptor.

With her passion for performing world-class face-and-body contouring, Dr. Hamilton utilizes three state-of-the-art liposuction devices to produce elite liposuction outcomes: Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL) Technology, Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction (UAL) Technology. VASER (Vibration Amplication of Sound Energy at Resonance) Technology.

PAL Technology harnesses the power of mechanical energy to break up fat with vibrating cannulas (metal tubes) to create smooth, even fat removal and allow for more comprehensive, increased fat extraction than traditional liposuction. UAL Technology – specifically VASER Technology – employs ultrasound energy to emulsify and break up the targeted fat for more even and complete fat removal.

VASER Technology generates high-frequency ultrasound waves that vibrate fat cells loose from their connective tissue – VASER is considered the gold standard in creating in high-definition, precision body etching, promoting many benefits such as minimizing bruising and swelling. After a small, thin cannula is inserted into the skin via discrete, tiny incisions and suction is applied for fat removal, a smoother, more sculpted appearance to the face, neck, or body is revealed. Dr. Hamilton uses her aesthetic judgment and expertise to determine which technology to employ during surgery to create finesse, customized outcomes for her patients, tailored to their goals and individual anatomy. Each technology utilized during the liposuction procedure maximizes fat extraction and ensures even fat removal – they also deliver energy to the skin and surrounding soft tissues for collagen induction and soft-tissue contraction – which effectively tightens and boosts skin quality. The end result is stunning, transformational contouring for the face, neck, and body that instills patients with confidence, well-being, and an amazing ability to beautifully fit clothing again.

Dr. Hamilton is an enthusiast and aficionada of the technically advanced Columbian Liposuction Technique, which combines the use of technology with a respect for anatomical structures to highlight the body’s natural definition. What is very different about the Columbian Liposuction Technique compared to other types of liposuction techniques is that it really respects and highlights the patient’s anatomical structure to create ultimate, refined, aesthetic definition – meaning that the fat left behind on the individual is just as important — if not more so — than the fat that is removed. The goal is to really highlight musculature and physique as opposed to only removing as much fat as possible everywhere.

In contrast, a U.S.-style Tummy Tuck, which removes as much fat as safely possible, creates little definition, and the torso does not look normal as it lacks a natural- looking human shape and contour – whereas the Columbian Liposuction Technique added to the procedure creates exquisite highlights and shadows – as well as physical realism – like the intricate, refined sculpting done by Michelangelo. By blending this philosophy with ultra-modern technology and her artistic eye, Dr. Hamilton magically creates highlights and shadows, deftly sculpting the face and body to reveal gorgeous, refined shapes and contours with beautiful areas of definition – that look immediately visually stunning and superb upon completion on the day of treatment.

Furthermore, the degree of definition is customizable, depending on the patient’s anatomy and goals. Soft-Definition Liposuction yields a delicate, feminine, athletic look, while High-Definition Liposuction yields a more toned, masculine, chiseled, athletic look.

What Is Abdominal Etching And High-Definition Liposuction?

Abdominal Etching (or Ab Etching) is an advanced technique that uses liposuction to selectively remove abdominal fat to create a lean, sculpted abdomen – with natural hills and valleys – using either Soft-Definition Liposuction or High-Definition Liposuction.

Dr. Hamilton performs Soft-Definition Liposuction with Ab Etching — a gentle, highly-precise etching technique for individuals who desire a lean look to the abdomen with some muscle definition. This type of ab etching defines and highlights an individual’s natural abdominal musculature, producing a natural appearance and muscular, athletic contours. Frequently, a technique more than diet and exercise is required to remove stubborn fat for a lean, defined abdomen. Abdominal Etching (or Ab Etching) has the power to create chiseled contours without squats, push-ups, and crunches. With fit and slender patients, Dr. Hamilton will create a more athletic, sculpted look per the patient’s goals. Soft-Definition Liposuction involves selectively and meticulously removing fat deposits from between each abdominal muscle, while leaving some fat to surround these muscles. This process creates sculpted abdominal peaks and valleys, elegant definition to the abdominal muscles (which look and feel firm, fit, and athletic), and a natural- looking, permanent, contoured appearance that is aesthetically-pleasing and proportionate. By strategically molding and shaping the abdominal wall, Dr. Hamilton can sculpt and define the abdominal muscles (or abs) and create hip highlights for her female patients to obtain an athletic, yet subtle, feminine appearance. This technique also appeals to men who desire sculpted, six-pack abs and a well- defined, muscular physique.

High-Definition Liposuction with Ab Etching is an advanced etching technique (that can remove a large amount of undesired fat) for patients who prefer a lean look that features a more chiseled, contoured, athletic abdominal appearance and strong muscle definition (as compared to the lean look with only some muscle definition that Soft-Definition Ab Etching creates). In addition to creating defined abdominal muscles and a sculpted, contoured, athletic and muscular body, this technique also can create toned arms and define youthful-looking, voluminous buttocks.

High-Definition Liposuction is a powerful form of ultrasonic fat removal that requires a tremendous amount of focus and attention to detail. Soft shadows are planned to bring out the underlying musculature. Vigorous liposuction is performed in some areas such as the backside, a finesse technique that requires carefully-graded, feathered liposuction to avoid giving the buttocks the appearance of a shelf. High-Definition Liposuction is a minimally-invasive, safe technique to remove excess volume with a very quick recovery period. High-Definition Liposuction uses ultrasound energy to break up and remove excess fat to meticulously contour a defined, sculpted, tighter physique – it also enables specific precision to address more delicate, detailed areas and highlight the muscles. Dr. Hamilton can achieve patient goals expertly with this minimally-invasive device, chiseling a six-pack, sculpting a physique with more athletic and muscular contour, creating toned arms and legs, and defining the buttocks for a very attractive, sculpted look.

What Is Lipo 360?

The extent of the body that can be treated with liposuction varies from patient to patient. Some patients prefer liposuction of the flanks only to produce a slim physique. Others desire more transformational liposuction, such as Lipo 360 — which is full liposuction of the entire torso, deleting fat from around the entire circumference of the mid-section, including the abdomen, flanks, and back. High-Definition Lipo 360 is a game-changing body-contouring technique where Dr. Hamilton fashions and molds the body like a sculptor shapes and carves a block of stone to create a beautiful sculpture. She performs circumferential etching to re-shape, define, and slim the body and also, if desired, create visible muscle definition.

To achieve this transformation, Dr. Hamilton uses Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction (UAL) Technology to customize, fine-tune and sculpt the torso into the shape desired by her patients: an exquisite, feminine hourglass shape with smooth, s-shaped curves and a flat, trim waistline and sleek back — or a fine, sleek, trim, strong, masculine physique with flat abdomen, using comprehensive fat reduction to create optimal midsection body contouring. The transformation is immediate and stunning – and the results continually improve over the next three months.

Lipo 360 with Ab Etching is an advanced technique of liposuction where Dr. Hamilton removes fat and sculpts the abdominal muscles at different depths in different areas of the abdomen to expose the ab muscle, suctioning along muscular lines to create the appearance of more defined abs and a toned look that reveals the individual’s natural abdominal definition. An option is adding a Buttock Augmentation – or BBL – to the surgery to create further definition.

What Is Fat-Transfer Combined With Liposuction?

Fat Transfer – also known as Fat Grafting – is the cornerstone of modern, balanced rejuvenation of the human face and body. Extracted fat obtained via liposuction is now commonly transferred to targeted areas of the face and body where Dr. Hamilton meticulously injects the prepared fat into the desired area, with an emphasis on creating beautiful, natural-looking, rejuvenated results. Dr. Hamilton first extracts the patient’s own autologous fat via liposuction from areas, including the thighs, flanks (love handles), abdomen, and back. Once this fat is processed and purified, it is then transferred into another area of the face and body permanently. The purified fat is meticulously injected into the targeted area to augment volume artfully in order to restore, optimize and rejuvenate its appearance, silhouette, shape, and contours. The transformation is instantaneous, and the rejuvenating effects are extremely long- lasting – for years and years. Because some fat cells perish after the injection, more fat cells than required are injected into the targeted area and after a short period of time, settle into their new location permanently.

When Dr. Hamilton performs Fat Transfer after a Liposuction procedure, she meticulously injects her patients’ extracted, purified fat into specific areas of their face, neck, and body per their aesthetic goals to create an elegant look of youthfulness instantaneously:

Facial Fat Transfer

Adding volume to the face restores its youthful look, smooths fine lines and wrinkles, improves the texture and look of the skin, and restores volume to areas of the face and body that require rejuvenation. Common areas that Dr. Hamilton can volumize and optimize with the patient’s own autologous fat during ‘Facial Fat Transfer’ (also called ‘Facial Fat Grafting’) include: the nasolabial folds (smile lines), marionette lines, temples, cheekbones, under-eye tear-troughs (hollows), lower lid-cheek junction, and earlobes. In state-of-the-art facelifts, Fat Transfer to the Face fat grafting to the face is an essential element of the surgery, providing additional volume to specific areas of the face to maximize facial enhancement for a youthful, refreshed look.

Breast Fat Transfer

‘Breast Fat Transfer’ (also known as ‘Breast Fat Grafting’ or ‘Fat Transfer to the Breasts’ or ‘Fat Grafting to the Breasts’) enables the patient’s own autologous fat to be used for several different types of breast rejuvenation. The extracted fat can be used to augment and finesse the individual’s own breasts naturally and permanently – without implants – for beautiful shape and volume. When breast augmentation using breast implants is performed, the purified fat can also be injected to optimize and refine an implant-based breast augmentation (for example, by adding extra volume to further contour the upper pole of the breasts). Fat Grafting is also valuable in finessing and fine- tuning the look of breasts during breast-reduction surgery. Injecting fat strategically finesses the look of reconstructed breasts. Injecting purified fat cells into the breasts aesthetically improves breast shape and contour to provide gorgeous symmetry and balance to the breasts.

Hand Fat Grafting

With ‘Hand Fat Transfer’ (also called ‘Hand Fat Grafting’ or ‘Hand Augmentation’), Dr. Hamilton attractively adds volume to the back of the hands (called the ‘dorsum’) to smooth wrinkles, soften dorsal hands (concealing the tendons, veins, and metacarpal bones), and create uniform contours, instantly rejuvenating the hands by improving skin quality and texture for a smooth, youthful-looking appearance.

Fat Transfer to the Hips

Slight indentations in the outer hips located right above the thighs are common to the shape of the human body – and are known as ‘Hip Dips’. During ‘Hip-Dip Fat Transfer’ or ‘Hip-Dip Fat Grafting’, Dr. Hamilton injects the patient’s extracted and purified fat into these small, inwardly-curving indentations to add volume to the hips – which instantaneously eliminates the hip dips to achieve trim, sculpted, natural-looking hips, an enhanced, feminine hourglass figure, a smooth, attractive profile and silhouette, as well as an optimized waist-to-hip ratio.

Buttock Fat Transfer or Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)

Injecting fat into the buttocks (a procedure called ‘Fat Transfer to the Buttocks’, ‘Fat Grafting to the Buttocks’, ‘Non-surgical Buttock Augmentation’, ‘Non-surgical Brazilian Butt Lift’ or ‘Non-surgical BBL’) augments them to create a curvier, firmer lower-body profile and silhouette with more texture, plus more shapely, perkier, rounder, larger, toned-looking buttocks, as well as beautifully optimized, harmonious body symmetry – all of which produces an enhanced, youthful-looking, long-lasting body shape.

Dr. Hamilton also performs a variation of a Non-surgical Brazilian Butt Lift called a “Non-surgical Skinny BBL” for patients who usually possess a smaller frame and relatively less body fat to transfer to their buttocks. Rather than producing a significant change in buttock size, she instead artfully sculpts and reshapes the torso and buttocks to add subtle volume to the buttocks, enhanced curves, a more defined waistline, and a smoother, more hourglass-shaped figure.


Patients achieve a more beautiful, transformational look featuring more extensive, sculptural face-and-body contouring when Dr. Hamilton combines liposuction with other procedures – such as:

Fat Transfer or Fat Grafting: a technique that artfully transfers an individual’s extracted, purified fat to areas such as the breasts, hips, buttocks, face, or hands to optimally contour the overall shape of the treated area.

High-Definition Liposuction: a technique that creates an athletic, chiseled appearance – or

Soft-Definition Liposuction: a technique which produces a feminine, softly athletic, refined look.

Ab-Etching: a technique that produces next-level visual effects of toned, six-pack abs on the abdomen.


Dr. Hamilton’s creative, signature techniques and innovative recovery protocols enable minimal downtime, with the results being instantly noticeable, flattering, gratifying, and confidence-boosting. The entire process has a more comfortable, quicker recovery period when compared to those associated with other fat removal techniques. Recovery includes walking, wearing compression garments (called ‘fajas’) for a period of time, and undergoing lymphatic massage therapy to promote healing. Most patients return to work after a couple of days.


Liposuction spectacularly revitalizes, recalibrates and refines the appearance. Dr. Hamilton is passionate about restoring beauty, harmony and balance to the face, neck, and body with artistry and ultimate precision to ensure her patients truly love their new look. Her contouring procedures are always performed using her innate, artistic eye, her state-of-the-art liposuction devices, and her innovative, leading-edge sculpting techniques that are always personalized and specific to her patients’ goals — where her patients’ gorgeous results reflect their unique aesthetic sensibilities and wishes. Her refined, skillful approach to liposuction delicately smooths away imperfections and creates elegant shapes and exquisite contours resulting in a vibrant, rejuvenated, youthful appearance – enabling patients to enjoy their newly refreshed face, neck, and body, often after being unable to budge stubborn excess fat with lifestyle changes.

Dr. Hamilton attracts patients from around the world – the magic happens when she collaborates with her patients to visualize and create the work of art that can be achieved with the human form and her signature procedures. Her unique approach combines surgical precision with a classically-trained artistic eye to reveal super, customized outcomes – featuring stunning new angles, shapes, contours, and proportions with beautiful overall balance, harmony, and symmetry of the face, neck, and body – all of which maximize her patients’ aesthetic beauty and quality of life.